Hi, everyone? What kinds of bottled dink are popular at your country?
About 25 years ago, bottled green tea came onto the market in Japan. At that time, I had a stereotype of that green tea should be repaired at home. And, I didn’t want to pay for bottled tea. As time passes, bottles of tea have got very popular. Now, I don’t hesitate buying bottled teas. Nowadays, you will find a lot of selection for tea at convenience and grocery stores, such as
oolong, barley, roasted tea, and may different brands of

I don’t have any particular favorite tea brands. I usually pick one according to my mood of the moment. Yesterday, I chose these teas,
Iemon in the picture. I’m embarrassed to tell you that, but the reason I bought the tea is that there is a prize promotion, so... You might win an iced tea set with it. I am interested in the tea set which is for
tencha brewing with cold water. It is very unique.
Tencha is the ingredient of
Tencha became
matcha by milling. So,
tencha itself is not usually sold in stores. In addition the cold water brewing is a rare method for tea preparing. I have to try it. I have never tried
tencha, so I really want to win it!! I need to buy two more bottles to apply for the prize, ha ha… Wish me luck!!
The bottled tea came with a little free gift. It was a Japanese washcloth.