Friday, October 7, 2011

Designing tea cups

Do you have a teacup which design you adore so much?   Isn’t it difficult finding a perfect tea cup for your tea set?  I, as a tea ware retailer, find difficulty to looking for a tea cup which design really satisfies me.  So, I’ve came up with an idea to design our own cups.

Konnichiwa, it’s Kohei(^^)  I think Japanese tea ceremony is for getting away from daily life and experiencing an extraordinary peaceful moment.  Our usual tea time should have the same kind of essence.  I believe the design of utensils can be powerful enough to create the extraordinary moment.  I love classic designs, but I don’t like old fashion or ordinary ones.  As ancient tea masters find beauty in rustic tea bowls with simplicity, I want to create contemporary designed cups with simplicity and sophistication.

Now I’m asking a ceramic manufacturer to make tea cups that I designed.   We had many revised drawings though out our meetings.  Finally, we got the plaster samples (In the photo below).  I was so exited seeing them in three dimensions and I was fascinated by thinking of the tea time with them.  But the figures were a little different from what I imagined.  We revised the drawing again, and now we are still working on our next steps.

This is a tough change for me.  Not only the design, I have to consider many other things like capacity, usability and pricing,  I’m really enjoying this project and am excited to see the final products^^  I hope I can introduce them by January.  Jah!